
‘MTV First: Robert Pattinson’ for ‘Cosmopolis’

Posted August 17th, 2012 By: Evie No Comments »

‘MTV First: Robert Pattinson’ aired tonight on MTV, with the follow-up 30 minute interview following that aired on MTV.com. Rob sat down with Josh Horowitz to talk a little about pretty much under the sun, as well as talk Cosmopolis and get a sneak peek at the movie. Check it all out below from MTV:

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Robert Pattinson Plays ‘Never Have I Ever’ - Pattinson reveals he has both shot a gun and relieved himself in a car

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Exclusive ‘Cosmopolis’ Clip: ‘I Need A Haircut’ - Eric Packer (Robert Pattinson) explains to Shiner (Jay Baruchel) why he needs to visit a barber in this exclusive look at the flick.

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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Robert Pattinson Takes The MTV Movies Brawl Award For ‘Cosmopolis’ - “Nice! I love prizes,” Pattinson says

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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Cosmopolis’ Is Like ‘Looking At A Rock’ - “It’s as simple or as complicated as you want it to be,” Robert Pattinson says.

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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Robert Pattinson Introduces David Cronenberg To ‘Twilight’ Audience - “I’d like it if 14-year-olds went there. It would be cool. I would have loved to see this movie when I was 14,” Pattinson says.

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Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Robert Pattinson Finally Considers Himself An Actor - “It was like a gift to get the job,” Pattinson says.

RPattz Had No Idea How To Prepare For ‘Cosmopolis’ Role here.
Robert Pattinson Hopes He’s Not Losing His English Accent here.
RPattz Talks Difficulties Of Haircut And Sex Scenes here.
‘Cosmopolis’ Dialogue Is ‘Not Generic’ here.
Rob’s Future: ‘The Rover,’ ‘Mission: Blacklist,’ And ‘Queen Of The Desert’ here.
What Are Robert Pattinson’s On-Screen Limits? here.
Robert Pattinson Still Amazed And Confused By ‘Twilight’ Fandom here.
The Robert Pattinson Personality Profile here.
RPattz Getting Back To His Music Post-’Twilight’ here.
Robert Pattinson Makes His VMA Picks For Video Of The Year here.

What did you think of ‘MTV First: Robert Pattinson’?

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Robert Pattinson on ‘Cosmopolis’ Role and Being Proud of his ‘Twilight’ Fans

Posted June 27th, 2012 By: Evie No Comments »

Anne Facompre, a film journalist, has just posted a great interview with Robert Pattinson from back in May when he was promoting Cosmopolis in Berlin. In the interview Rob chats about his role in the movie and why he likes the character he plays. Rob also goes on to talk about why he was drawn to the role, and why he’s so proud of his very literate Twilight fans. Read more below:

How was it for you to play such a dark character after ‘Twilight’?

The very first thing I shot, I wanted it to be a no statement thing, the suit, the hair, everything. It’s like: Your clothes don’t say anything, your car doesn’t say anything. Nothing says anything. And YOU don’t say anything and it’s one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. I was turning around to Jay Baruchel in the first scene and you realize your face isn’t doing anything, you have no eyes (because of the dark sunglasses). It’s nerve racking.

How do you feel about all those 15 year old fans camping outside the premiere venue?Do you feel like twilight is a shadow that you just can’t shake or are you just really happy that they’re there supporting you?

It’s amazing. If they go and see the movie - it’s crazy. A lot of ‘Twilight’ fans are not only excited about seeing it, but if they feel they don’t understand it, they WANT to understand it. A ton of people have bought Don Delillo’s books and I’ve talked to people who are like 16 years old and they have read ‘Cosmopolis’ and ‘Underworld’ and a lot of DeLillo stuff and it is absolutely amazing. This is probably the best thing I have done since I’ve started acting! (To inspire fans to read Don DeLillo). And they have watched all of David’s movies and even if there’s a hundred people who don’t understand what’s happening, there will be one who really, really understands it and not being crazy or anything, but it’s a life changing thing. It’s an inspiring thing when you suddenly get into post-modern literature. It’s crazy, to inspire someone to read DeLillo at a really young age.. I don’t know what else could inspire them. I never even read any of his work before and now I have read tons of it. And meeting him as well, I think he is the greatest guy, he is amazing. He was with us on the tour up until now. I hadn’t met him before. But I really like him. He is quite different to what I thought he would be. He is quite funny and really direct. And he knows a lot about movies. And I am just so amazed that there is people lining up and screaming about it. It’s hilarious.

Read the full interview on Anne’s blog here and you can follow her on twitter at @annefacompre.

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