Kellan Lutz Lends Voice to ‘Family Guy’
Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Kellan Lutz will soon be lending his voice to the very popular cartoon, Family Guy. Kellan will be voicing a character that becomes “romantically entangled” with the Griffin family. Read more below:

Kellan Lutz is jumping from Forks to Quahog: The Twilight star and future Tarzan will become romantically entangled with the Griffin family on an upcoming episode of Family Guy, EW has learned. According to Family Guy executive producer Mark Hentemann, Lutz voices a stud on the high-school football team who is the subject of Meg’s “Burt Bacharach-backed sexual fantasies.” The hunky jock does agree to go on a date with Meg, “but he’s interested in another member of the Griffin family — and it’s not one of the women,” hints Hentemann.
Read the full story at here.