Jack Morrissey Answers Fan Twitter Questions for ‘Breaking Dawn - Part 2′
Jack Morrissey is well known in the twitter world for answering fan questions regarding both Breaking Dawn - Part 1 and Part 2. Jack is of course, Breaking Dawn director, Bill Condon’s, partner - and therefore privy to some pretty inside information. Once again, Jack was back answering questions, this time in reaction to the teaser trailer and some more specifics for Breaking Dawn - Part 2. Read more below:

Q: In the posters we see Edward with a kinda classic look like in the 1st 2 films. Will he wear clothes like this in BD2?
Jack: Yes, everything you’ve seen on the EW covers and posters are actual costumes seen in the film.Q: Why is BD2 coming out over a year after it was filmed and BD1 came out in theaters?
Jack: There are over TWO THOUSAND visual effects shots that need to be finished.Q: If we don’t get the full trailer ’til fall, do we still get scenes at Comic Con anyway?
Jack: You’ll see stuff you haven’t seen yet inside Hall H for the last Twilight panel at SDCC. Better get down there!Q: By the teaser, there will be a lot of the Volturi, right?
Jack: Yep, a whole field full of ‘em. “They even brought the wives.” P.S. So much Aro and Jane for you to look forward to.Q: Does Nessie get a Cullen Crest necklace?
Jack: Not quite - she wears another accessory of significance.Q: Will we see more of baby Nessie with Edward and Bella or will it be everything with Mackenzie?
Jack: Both, and also other growth between. Half-human/half-vampire kids - they grow up so fast!Q: When in the movie do we first get to see Renesmee?
Jack: Just as soon as her vampire Mom gets to see her.Q: Bella and Edward will go to Alaska to find Denali’s clan contrary to the book where they wait for everybody?
Jack: Correct. It’s in the teaser trailer.
Go check out all of the Q&A over at Team Jack here.
Thanks for the tip Noor!